Hey all, this is me writing from the computer lab in TIU so I`m going to keep this pretty short. I`ve got to catch a train and then ride my bike home. My host family was a little quiet at first and my host sister didn`t talk to me at all ~ but I later figured out that that was because she hates english and slept through english study hall and so she is terrible at it. My host mother speaks even less Japanese than I do and I really never see my host father. So I pretty much only communicate through my limited japanese. It`s actually kind of nice to meet non-americans who can`t speak english. It also explains why the english here is so very bad and hilarious. Girls do walk around with shirts that say things like [the world is made of happy fun time].
So on sunday my host sister took me to Tokyo and we went to shibuya and ikebukara and harajuku. There were SO MANY people!!! And since I went to touristy places, there were some foreigners. I cannot wait to get better at speaking the language because there are so many things that are just incomunicatable. I sit and stare in confusion a lot. Here are some photos from tokyo (in tokyo you can write on the picture machine things and add images. It`s neat).
Hi Lilly!! Please introduce your host family to us. Is the girl in the phots with you your host sister? Please pass on
喜んでお会いできて! from me!
love, Dad
holy crap! those pictures are amazing!
Lilly!!! You're in Japan! That's amazing!
I'm sorry I haven't been able to write earlier. I don't have internet yet, and this is only the second time I've been able to hit up an internet cafe. Keep writing when you can. I want to hear about all of your experiences!
I miss you!
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